Angela Wang & Co.

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Olivia Mok Shu Ki

Growing up in Canada, Olivia was surrounded by multiculturalism and diversity from a young age, giving her an open-minded, flexible and creative edge. Specialising in accounting and auditing with studies in finance and the economics in her BCom degree course at the University of Toronto, Olivia gained a business-oriented mind before continuing on to obtain her LLB at the University of Nottingham.

During her studies, she participated in numerous business competitions such as DECA where she won several individual awards and assisted her fellow teammates to achieve outstanding results. She has also interned at reputable chambers in Hong Kong where she gained valuable experience in commercial and civil litigation and worked in a law firm specialising in corporate finance and initial public offerings in Hong Kong.

Olivia speaks fluent English and Cantonese.


BCom (University of Toronto), LLB (University of Nottingham), PCLL (University of Hong Kong)


Hong Kong - 2024

Area of Specialization

Corporate & Commercial / Intellectual Property

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1-3 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

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